Productive families are a significant part of the social fabric of Saudi Arabia, providing financial and emotional support. Individuals are expected to prioritize family interests over their own, and to forfeit certain personal pursuits if doing so will improve the well-being of their family members.

In the Kingdom, families play a major role in supporting children to adulthood and caring for elderly relatives into old age. Children often help their parents with daily tasks and household chores, especially if both work outside the home. In addition, extended family members may help care for children and grandchildren. Families also participate in communal activities, such as majalis, a tradition where men and boys meet at the house of the eldest male relative to discuss everything from mundane gossip to serious issues.

Several factors are driving family change in the Kingdom. These trends could have long-term socioeconomic and demographic implications, such as increasing reliance on child-care services and a shift toward more Western lifestyles with greater autonomy. They could also foster a culture and tradition devoid of empathy for children, elderly, and disabled family members, and cause family cohesion to decline.

Small businesses and productive families are key to addressing these challenges and fostering economic growth and job opportunities, in line with SDG goal 1 (end poverty in all its forms). The Bank has launched several initiatives to support the development of these types of micro-enterprises, including a series of exhibitions that have been held locally and internationally. محل اسر منتجة

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